Just saw a great sign posted on Facebook:
May Your Search Through Nature
Lead You To Yourself
Thanks for sharing, Shelley. That’s exactly what happened to me!!
Just saw a great sign posted on Facebook:
May Your Search Through Nature
Lead You To Yourself
Thanks for sharing, Shelley. That’s exactly what happened to me!!
When I talk to clients about their health goals many times it includes reconnecting to the joy they've lost along the way. In a culture that rewards workaholics and overachievers, no judgment I've...
Back in the winter of 2023 I started waking up every morning at 3:00 am. I thought about making a flower essence combination to ease into retirement, but the date kept getting moved forward. I...
Today I'm celebrating my 20th anniversary. Twenty years ago today I boarded a bus in Hanover, New Hampshire, in front of the Hanover Inn overlooking the Dartmouth College green and headed to...
What is a flower essence and how does it tell you to move forward? Well that is a great question. A lot of people get flower essences confused with essential oils/aromatherapy. I see them as...
Flower essences are a gentle vibrational herbal medicine. The flower is the highest vital expression of the plant. Each flower has a vibrational frequency that connects to us on a deep level....
Oh the emotions of storage! It doesn't matter if your stuff is stored in the attic, the basement, the garage, closets, or the dreaded - STORAGE UNIT! What's in those boxes anyway?! Memories ...
Being sick for 18 years changed her life and now Wendy passionately shares about energy medicine and the power of plants. With a deeply holistic, intuitive approach and decades of experience as a clinical herbalist, Wendy is a delightful story-teller and trusted guide on your journey to vibrant health.