“Why is meditation so challenging?” . . . asked the lady whose mind never seems to quiet down. Yes so many of us have a continuous stream of conversation running through our mind but we never stop to quiet the mind or...
Things You Probably Haven’t Thought Of
Zinnia – The Flower Essence for Joy
When I talk to clients about their health goals many times it includes reconnecting to the joy they've lost along the way. In a culture that rewards workaholics and overachievers, no judgment I've definitely been in...
Flower Essence Combination to Ease Into Retirement
Back in the winter of 2023 I started waking up every morning at 3:00 am. I thought about making a flower essence combination to ease into retirement, but the date kept getting moved forward. I was going to retire...
Wow Yoga Nidra, I Had No Idea
About 2012 my neurologist suggested that I try yoga. I should work on slowing down my mind and relaxing more. I have always been very active and yoga sounded like the most...
What Happens When Your Vitality Extends Out Past Your Body?
A funny thing happened on my way to optimal vitality. It didn't hit me at first, but soon after I felt vibrantly alive and ready to publish my Top 12 Vitality Tips for 2012 lots of things around me started to fall...
Wendy Warner
Being sick for 18 years changed her life and now Wendy passionately shares about energy medicine and the power of plants. With a deeply holistic, intuitive approach and decades of experience as a clinical herbalist, Wendy is a delightful story-teller and trusted guide on your journey to vibrant health.