Vibrant health

Happy 20th Anniversary to My Health and Future

Happy 20th Anniversary to My Health and Future

Today I'm celebrating my 20th anniversary.  Twenty years ago today I boarded a bus in Hanover, New Hampshire, in front of the Hanover Inn overlooking the Dartmouth College green and headed to Boston.  I wasn't going on...

The Emotions of Storage

The Emotions of Storage

Oh the emotions of storage!  It doesn't matter if your stuff is stored in the attic, the basement, the garage, closets, or the dreaded - STORAGE UNIT!  What's in those boxes anyway?! Memories       Hopes and Dreams...

A Great Baseline For My Wellness Plan

A Great Baseline For My Wellness Plan

I've been getting a great baseline for my 2017-18 wellness plan.  Many people wonder why, as a clinical herbalist, I am so interested in wellness plans.  "Don't you just wait until something is wrong and then take an...

Do You Have a Wellness Plan?

Do You Have a Wellness Plan?

Do you have a wellness plan?  It's a very important question, but even more important is what are you focused on?  You see, what you focus on expands.  So I decided to focus on what I wanted, not what I didn't want....

D/W/PS our relationship is over . . . again

D/W/PS our relationship is over . . . again

Haha what a great title for Valentine's day! That stands for  Dairy / Wheat / and Processed Sugar In my ongoing quest for vibrant health and well-being, there are three players who repeatedly cause havoc in my body. ...

Adventures in Evolving

Adventures in Evolving

It wasn't until the 5th person told me that I needed to start writing that I realized there was a theme circling.  Strange thing was none of them knew me or each other.  Other people saw it in and around me, and I even...

Insights from an Herbal Consultation

On Tuesday I had an herbal consultation with my herbalist (that's ME!) to assess my current baseline on my health and well-being. My main priority is to return to a state of vibrant health! While I have an extensive...

Wendy Warner

Being sick for 18 years changed her life and now Wendy passionately shares about and the power of plants. With a deeply holistic, intuitive approach and decades of experience as a clinical herbalist, Wendy is a delightful story-teller and trusted guide on your journey to vibrant health.

Meet Wendy for a free 15-min consultation