If you've been on an airplane you've heard the pre-flight instructions: If the oxygen mask drops, put your mask on first before helping others. Yes that makes sense, but when it comes to our day-to-day life we tend to...
Vibrant health
Happy 20th Anniversary to My Health and Future
Today I'm celebrating my 20th anniversary. Twenty years ago today I boarded a bus in Hanover, New Hampshire, in front of the Hanover Inn overlooking the Dartmouth College green and headed to Boston. I wasn't going on...
The Emotions of Storage
Oh the emotions of storage! It doesn't matter if your stuff is stored in the attic, the basement, the garage, closets, or the dreaded - STORAGE UNIT! What's in those boxes anyway?! Memories Hopes and Dreams...
A Great Baseline For My Wellness Plan
I've been getting a great baseline for my 2017-18 wellness plan. Many people wonder why, as a clinical herbalist, I am so interested in wellness plans. "Don't you just wait until something is wrong and then take an...
Do You Have a Wellness Plan?
Do you have a wellness plan? It's a very important question, but even more important is what are you focused on? You see, what you focus on expands. So I decided to focus on what I wanted, not what I didn't want....
D/W/PS our relationship is over . . . again
Haha what a great title for Valentine's day! That stands for Dairy / Wheat / and Processed Sugar In my ongoing quest for vibrant health and well-being, there are three players who repeatedly cause havoc in my body. ...
Adventures in Evolving
It wasn't until the 5th person told me that I needed to start writing that I realized there was a theme circling. Strange thing was none of them knew me or each other. Other people saw it in and around me, and I even...
Insights from an Herbal Consultation
On Tuesday I had an herbal consultation with my herbalist (that's ME!) to assess my current baseline on my health and well-being. My main priority is to return to a state of vibrant health! While I have an extensive...
Wendy Warner
Being sick for 18 years changed her life and now Wendy passionately shares about energy medicine and the power of plants. With a deeply holistic, intuitive approach and decades of experience as a clinical herbalist, Wendy is a delightful story-teller and trusted guide on your journey to vibrant health.