If you've been on an airplane you've heard the pre-flight instructions: If the oxygen mask drops, put your mask on first before helping others. Yes that makes sense, but when it comes to our day-to-day life we tend to do...
Burnout to Recovery – The Nine Month Plan
For most people the beginning of a New Year brings inspiration. But not for me this year. Lord knows I tried. I chalked it up to burnout ~ doesn't everyone have burnout at this point. But January and February were all...
Are You Making Yourself a Priority?
A few years back I went to a conference in Denver. The hotel room had a great sign on the door handle, "I need some ME time." I thought that was the best reminder ever. We all have very busy lives, but at some point...
Wow the External Vitality Experiment Continues . . .
Interesting, I've been visualizing upgrades to my 12 year old car for a little while now. It appears my renewed vitality radiated out to Frankie Forester. Today after my dental appointment the clutch gave out. The...
What Happens When Your Vitality Extends Out Past Your Body?
A funny thing happened on my way to optimal vitality. It didn't hit me at first, but soon after I felt vibrantly alive and ready to publish my Top 12 Vitality Tips for 2012 lots of things around me started to fall...
What does it mean to Be Vibrant?
Definition of Vibrant 1) Pulsing and throbbing with energy or activity 2) Vigorous, lively, and vital 3) Produced as a result of vibration, resonant or resounding 4) Relatively high on the scale of brightness When was...
Welcome to the Be Vibrant blog!
Welcome to my Be Vibrant blog!! The thought has been rolling around in my head for a while, but this year I made it a New Year's Resolution. I am a certified clinical herbalist and flower essence practitioner, with a...
Wendy Warner
Being sick for 18 years changed her life and now Wendy passionately shares about energy medicine and the power of plants. With a deeply holistic, intuitive approach and decades of experience as a clinical herbalist, Wendy is a delightful story-teller and trusted guide on your journey to vibrant health.