Sleep Well Package

Good rest changes everything

Who will you be when you’re rested?

Sleep is one of my favorite things to help my clients with because the results of deep, restorative sleep can be so fast and dramatic. 

It all started with a client who came to me because she was having trouble with insomnia.  As we went through the Discovery Session, I realized her life was non-stop.  She got up early, raced through her day, and never slowed down until she jumped into bed.

There was a definite time she had to get up in the morning, so we started by looking at ways we could change her evening routine.  In order to get a solid 8 hours of sleep I suggested a definite time to be in bed. No excuses.  In her case it was 9:00pm.  As part of her wind down we set up a very specific set of rituals between 8:00-9:00pm and they took place upstairs.

This went on for a few days and she was already seeing results.  But one night she got involved in something and forgot to start the evening ritual.  Next thing she knew her dog started barking.  She went looking for her and there she was, sitting at the top of the stairs noisily reminding her it was 8:00pm and the rituals were supposed to be starting upstairs.  I love it when the family dog even gets involved!!

Not only did her sleep improve right away, but her body was so grateful it decided to let her know about a number of other health problems it wanted to work on next.  Her inner body wisdom even revealed each health issue as it had the strength to deal with that next level and her health continued to improve.

Once you’re able to get regular good-quality sleep, the restoration and healing that can happen “overnight” is amazing.  As sleep improves, insights flow, clarity grows and vitality returns. You may not even recognize yourself.

As important as it is to have a plan for doing work,
it is perhaps more important to have a plan for rest, relaxation, self-care, and sleep.
― Akiroq Brost

What you’ll get:

In this program you’ll get clarity on why you aren’t getting a good night’s sleep and what you can do to change that.

Sleep Well Package includes:

• A 90-min Discovery Session to start

• Initial intake assessment to understand the root cause of your sleep challenges

• Custom recommendations for new sleep habits and rituals

• Guidance in opening and closing your day

• Herbal suggestions to soothe your nervous system 

• Custom flower essence blend suggestions to support rest

• Personalized recommendations for nutritional supplements

• 3 sessions with me over 3 months

• Email check-in between sessions

The Sleep Well program is $240. Recommended herbs and supplements are purchased separately.

I’m so glad I did the Discovery Session because I was shocked at how bad my sleep habits were.  OHHHH you mean healing happens when you sleep???  Really I’m such a task-oriented person that I go until my eyelids don’t stay open.  Loving my evening rituals, the herbs and flower essences, as well as some other fun things Wendy added.  I feel like someone released the “task chains” and my life totally changed once I got a solid 8 hours.

– RL, Sacramento, CA

The Sleep Well package was my second experience with Wendy’s guidance.  I’m a procrastinator so getting to bed was a fight.  I must say the rituals were the big draw.  They sucked me in for fun and I realized it was a bit meditative too.  The slow down to my evening was something I quickly looked forward to.  I started the herbal tea right after dinner along with some beautiful music.  I finished a few things around my place and got ready for the next day.  By the time I started my rituals I was already much more relaxed and by bedtime I drifted off to sleep with a smile.

– BY, Salt Lake City, UT

Such a great program. I quickly realized my body was so tense I couldn’t sleep. Lots of cramping drove me crazy. We set up an hour-long ritual that at first I thought was too much.  However, my body loved it so much I even added on to it. I’m now drinking herbal infusions during the day, doing relaxing stretches before and after work, herbal baths, and sometimes foot baths. The reconnection to myself and the 8-9 hours of sleep has been life-changing.

– ER, Sandy, UT

Let’s meet!

The beautiful thing about taking the step to schedule a consultation with me is that you’re making a commitment to yourself.  You’re saying, “hey, I’m worth a deeper look.”

There are always some simple ways to start on your wellness journey.  Over the last 20 years I’ve collected a whole lot of them. The plants and I, along with other modalities and my whole community of healers, are here for you. I look forward to talking with you soon.

My consultations are educational in nature and do not take the place of your primary care physician.
All clients must work with their physician regarding decreasing any medications in conjunction with improved health.