How Stressed Are You? Lavender To The Rescue!

Have you ever had your purse or wallet stolen?  That is an example of stressed to the core.  A few years back that happened to me and  I was shook to the core.  As I was talking to my Mom about the things I had cancelled out and she was asking about other things that might have been in my purse, I was all of a sudden drawn to my herbal cabinet.  I was so drawn that I couldn’t take my eyes off of a particular side of it.  As I opened the door the lavender really stood out.  All I could think of was “have a cup of lavender tea.” At that point I had only used lavender in it’s aromatherapy form for calming frazzled nerves, relaxation, or on burns.  Someone sent me the lavender buds for tea, but I hadn’t made any.  For some reason I hadn’t been drawn to it.  I was about to find out why . . . As I pulled  the bag out it was as if the herb was instructing me on what to do.  I pulled out a strainer cup, put in a tablespoon full of the dried buds, and poured boiling water over them.  I let them steep for 5-10 minutes.  When I strained out the buds and took a sip, and it just took one, I gasp a WOW!  My Mom ask “wow what?”    I told her I just took a sip of lavender tea and I felt like my soul was just given a hug. Awwwwww, that was the best cup of tea I’ve ever had.  Each sip went deeper in clearing out the fear.  All of a sudden I remembered I had a bottle of Bach’s Rescue Remedy Flower Essence in the purse.  I pulled out my extra bottle and ask the bottle to connect to the bottle in my purse and assist the purse in being found.  Two days later a police officer a few towns north called to say they caught someone with some of the items.  He was so nice and made the entire process a breeze. I was stressed at the time, but that stress helped me learn a lot from that situation.  I hadn’t needed a cup of lavender tea before that moment, but it was there when I was in need.  Lavender reminded me just how plant intelligence can connect to our Inner Knowing. My Inner Knowing definitely knows that lavender is a soul herb!!

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Wendy Warner

Being sick for 18 years changed her life and now Wendy passionately shares about and the power of plants. With a deeply holistic, intuitive approach and decades of experience as a clinical herbalist, Wendy is a delightful story-teller and trusted guide on your journey to vibrant health.

Meet Wendy for a free 15-min consultation


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