Insights from an Herbal Consultation

On Tuesday I had an herbal consultation with my herbalist (that’s ME!) to assess my current baseline on my health and well-being.

My main priority is to return to a state of vibrant health!

While I have an extensive intake form that gives me the bigger picture of what is going on in my clients health, when I went through the various sections at the end something stood out as missing.  I sat with it for a while and realized I do have a lot of areas to work on over the next 5 months, but where do I start and what is the missing section?

I had to put things on hold for a day as I moved into a house in one of my favorite parts of Salt Lake City (SLC) to stay with their dog for a few days.  The energy of the Salt Lake Valley is so different.  As someone who is very energy sensitive, I can literally feel the difference as I cross into different parts of town.  The house I am staying in is close to the mountains and in an area that I find mesmerizing.  The energy coming off this part of the mountains would make a great meditation area.

I’m sitting here realizing that the missing part on my intake form is more in depth information about “what’s going on in your life right now.”  For me I have a very busy life and it’s almost challenging to relax.  What stands out when I make a list of what I do on a daily/weekly basis I wonder how I get it all done.  I must be non-stop.  Yes–that’s true, how do I get it all done?

Makes me wonder if my seizure was on some strange level about the Universe saying SLOW DOWN NOW!  Especially along with it was a severely bruised and swollen ankle.  

How interesting I have this insight sitting in the mesmerizing energy coming off these mountains.  My “retreat” lasts another day.  I’m going to take full advantage of it while I design my wellness protocol which will start Monday, April 7th.  I will be looking at everything in my life/lifestyle/foods that is irritating to the nervous system.  Since the enteric nervous system is embedded in the lining of the gastrointestinal system, that means I need to look at the digestive system at the same time.

After all, it’s not fair to make the plants do all the work without stepping up to the plate and removing what is causing the issues in the first place.  Actually a plant told me that years ago!  😀

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Wendy Warner

Being sick for 18 years changed her life and now Wendy passionately shares about and the power of plants. With a deeply holistic, intuitive approach and decades of experience as a clinical herbalist, Wendy is a delightful story-teller and trusted guide on your journey to vibrant health.

Meet Wendy for a free 15-min consultation


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