Welcome to my Be Vibrant blog!! The thought has been rolling around in my head for a while, but this year I made it a New Year’s Resolution.
I am a certified clinical herbalist and flower essence practitioner, with a strong interest in nutrition. Over the last two years I have become very interested in the field of energy medicine. Requests for herbal information keep growing every year, which is exciting as it shows the shift people are making toward prevention and a return to a more natural approach to health.
In 2010 I experienced a series of injuries and an illness. Shocking for a health nut, but it was a reminder that we never know. I decided to make 2011 a year for me. My recovery from the injuries required a completely different approach, which launched me into the field of energy medicine. I realized I had numerous requests for herbal information from people on multiple medications. So energy medicine has been expanded into my practice, and I’ll blog about some of the amazing experiences.
As for my illness, while short lived, my approach turned the heads of many doctors. My recover was rapid. However, I dedicated 2011 to me and by the end of the year I’d created the Top 12 Vitality Tips for 2012. I’ll be blogging about these as I go even deeper into my own health and sharing insights, resources, and tips. I hope you find them as helpful as I have throughout last year. I’m even 24 pounds lighter without trying to . . . you know . . . the “D” word! : D
Check out my website, which will be expanding, at https://www.wendywarner.com. There will also be a place to sign up for the complete Top 12 Vitality Tips as well as my Be Vibrant eNewsletter with specials.
If you would like to know more about how you can utilize herbs, flower essences, nourishment, and energy medicine in a wellness plan that can be healthy and supportive while making a lifestyle change and/or are looking for a more natural approach to a condition, please contact me for a consultation.