
When The Flower Essences Tell You to Move Forward

When The Flower Essences Tell You to Move Forward

What is a flower essence and how does it tell you to move forward?  Well that is a great question.  A lot of people get flower essences confused with essential oils/aromatherapy.  I see them as opposite ends of the...

Flower Essences: The Power to Unlock Stagnation

Flower Essences: The Power to Unlock Stagnation

Flower essences are a gentle vibrational herbal medicine.  The flower is the highest vital expression of the plant.  Each flower has a vibrational frequency that connects to us on a deep level.  Flower essences are one...

Wendy Warner

Being sick for 18 years changed her life and now Wendy passionately shares about and the power of plants. With a deeply holistic, intuitive approach and decades of experience as a clinical herbalist, Wendy is a delightful story-teller and trusted guide on your journey to vibrant health.

Meet Wendy for a free 15-min consultation