When I talk to clients about their health goals many times it includes reconnecting to the joy they've lost along the way. In a culture that rewards workaholics and overachievers, no judgment I've definitely been in...
Burnout to Recovery – The Nine Month Plan
For most people the beginning of a New Year brings inspiration. But not for me this year. Lord knows I tried. I chalked it up to burnout ~ doesn't everyone have burnout at this point. But January and February were all...
Relaxing and Reflecting From a Retreat
I spent the beginning of May at a wonderful retreat in the country where I did some reflecting on my progress the first quarter of 2018. I’m doing a lot of celebrating this year as August will mark my 20th anniversary...
D/W/PS our relationship is over . . . again
Haha what a great title for Valentine's day! That stands for Dairy / Wheat / and Processed Sugar In my ongoing quest for vibrant health and well-being, there are three players who repeatedly cause havoc in my body. ...
Wendy Warner
Being sick for 18 years changed her life and now Wendy passionately shares about energy medicine and the power of plants. With a deeply holistic, intuitive approach and decades of experience as a clinical herbalist, Wendy is a delightful story-teller and trusted guide on your journey to vibrant health.